A new science- Glycobiology has emerged! Eight specific sugars (glyconutrients) have been identified for the support of proper cell structures, processes, and functions (Harper's Biochemistry, 24th ed.). A blend of these eight innate-sugars from plant-rich sources has been developed, along with an entire line of products based on this amazing discovery! Are you ready to rediscover "wellness?"
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Glycomics technology is emerging and will eventually become mainstreamed in health care. Below is an example of how Glycomics technology will be used in aiding and enhancing human health.
Glycominds, an Israel Company, wants to give the doctor more options. The Lod-based company's field of expertise is glycomics - that is the behavior of glycans, the sugars that are present in and on the surface of human cells. Genes give instructions to the proteins, but it is the glycans that guide the proteins to their targets and makes sure they do what they are supposed to do.
The multiple sclerosis market is estimated to be worth around $4 billion, notes Dukler.
Glycominds is not limiting its efforts to multiple sclerosis. The company is also looking at developing biomarkers to enable more accurate diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease, which affects about a million people in the US alone. Glycominds is also looking further afield. "The GlyoChip platform has the ability to identify many other biomarkers," says Dukler. "Inflammatory and autoimmune diseases [like multiple sclerosis] are the initial focus of the company, but it is not limited to that. Glycans play a critical role in many indications."
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Sunday, November 07, 2004
Time Line- Development of Glycoscience and Glyconutritionals
1880s - Characterization of monosaccharides by Emil Fischer.
1952 - Fresh, not aged, Aloe gel heals radiation burns on rabbits (Clarence C. Lushbaugh, Cancer 1953 vol. 6).
1970 - 500 glycobiology papers published.
1976 - Research paper identifies the 8 sugars found in biological glycoproteins and glycolipids.
1980 - 1500 glycobiology papers published.
1988- Dr. John Axford publishes his "Glucose only theory"
in British Journal (glucose is not the only needed sugar)
1990 - 4000 glycobiology papers published.
1990 - Journal of Glycobiology started by Oxford University.
1990 - "Capitalizing on Carbohydrates" by John Hodgson in BioTechnology Vol 8 Feb. 1990 109 discussing cell surfaces containing carbohydrates involved in intercellular communication and essential for immune function.
1992 - Active component in Aloe gel is stabilized.
1994 - A Research and Development Company is established as a glyconutritional company.
1995 - Nature: cell surface sugars necessary for recognition and immune function.
1996 - Harper's Biochemistry, Murray et al.: chapter on glycoproteins focuses on the 8 necessary sugars used in glycoproteins and glycolipids for cellular communication.
1996 - Patent application is filed for composition and use of a glyconutritional supplement.
1996 - Glyconutritional Company begins marketing glyconutritional supplement.
1998 - Acta Anatomica: special March issue on glycoscience; emphasizes that information content of biological sugar combinations exceeds that of the DNA code.
1998 - South Africa issues world's first patent for a glyconutritional blend
1998 - Healthy humans given radiologically labeled galactose, mannose and glucose incorporate all three directly into glycoproteins, proving that the body uses the different sugars as nutrients directly from the diet, instead of manufacturing them all from glucose alone.
2000 - 8000 glycobiology papers published.
2000 - Launch in March of Health and Nutrition Glycoscience website.
2000 - Newton Graphic Science Magazine: the science of cellular messaging.
2001 - Science: March 23 issue features "Carbohydrates and Glycobiology"; reviews structural and functional uses of 8 critical sugars in cellular physiology.
2001 - Physicians Desk Reference (PDR ) for Non-Prescription Drugs and Dietary Supplements: lists for the first time glyconutrient blend, phytosterol complex, and phytochemical complex.
2001 - Singapore, New Zealand, and Australia issue patents glyconutritional blend
2001 - NIH grants consortium $34 million to study cell-cell communication interactions.
2002 - Australian Journal of Chemistry 55(2): Carbohydrates Special Issue.
2002 - The Scientist 16:9 April 29 "Glycobiology Goes to the Ball."
2002 - Yahoo lists 15,000 entries for the glyconutrient "mannose."
2002 - France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom issue patents for a glyconutritional formula
2002 - Scientific American: July "Sweet Medicine: Building Better Drugs from Sugars."
2002 - New Scientist Archive: October story quotes JHU biochemist emphasizing glycobiology as the future of immunology, neurology, developmental biology, and disease research.
2002 - CAM: Volume 2, Issue 5 - December 2002 "Arthritis - Using the New Glyconutritionals."
2003 - Yahoo lists 63,000 entries for the glyconutrient "mannose."
2003 - Mexico and Hong Kong issue patents for a glyconutritional formula.
2003 - Advanced Glyconutrient-Antioxidant formulation is developed.
2004- Taiwan and Philippines issue patents for a glyconutritional formula.
2005- USA issues patent for glyconutritional formula