Thursday, December 09, 2004

New technology will advance our understanding of the role of complex sugar chains decorating the surface of cells in the body

If you're reading this blog you're aware of the amazing new science called Glycomics that has emerged within the past decade. We are in an age of advanced technology or should I say technological revolution? There are also advanced technologies emerging which enhance and make our lives easier. Below are bits and pieces I copied and pasted on a new technology for understanding sugars on cell surfaces. It's been stated that Glycomics technology is the next Frontier of medicine! ;)

An international consortium of scientists led by Dr. James Paulson of The Scripps Research Institute has created a technology that will advance our understanding of the role of complex sugar chains (glycans or carbohydrates) that decorate the surface of cells in the body.

The technology, known as a functional glycan microarray, is a glass slide onto which are printed hundreds of different glycan chains.

Many proteins involved in communication between cells recognize glycan structures on cell surfaces. The functional glycan microarray will speed research in glycomics, because it will allow scientists to determine to which carbohydrate structures these proteins bind.

Carbohydrate structures are very much a part of the language of life. They are like the accents on spoken words—they change the meaning without changing the spelling. Some even call carbohydrates the third alphabet, behind DNA and proteins.


Thursday, December 02, 2004

Nutritional Supplements act as sources of radiation protectors

The word 'Nutraceuticals' is becoming the buzz word in quality effective nutritional supplements. Below is a gist of the tip of the iceberg of functional foods (nutraceuticals) yet to come.

Nutritional supplements, including trace elements and several plant materials like soya and amla, have been found to act as excellent sources of radiation protectors, radiation biologists say.

Nutraceuticals as exemplified by flavonoids and isoflavones and nutritional factors such as vitamin E have been demonstrated to have radioprotective properties, Dr V Srinivasan of Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Bethedsa, US, said at the International Conference on `Recent Trends in Radiation Biology' at BARC here.

"Low toxicity of nutraceuticals and nutritional factors is an advantage over well-known radioprotectors such as amifostine," he said, adding the Institute is working on new molecules like 5-AED and Vitamin E and gemistein are proving to be "very good" radioprotectors .

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Simple New Blood Test can Determine Severity of Multiple Sclerosis

Glycomics technology is emerging and will eventually become mainstreamed in health care. Below is an example of how Glycomics technology will be used in aiding and enhancing human health.

Glycominds, an Israel Company, wants to give the doctor more options. The Lod-based company's field of expertise is glycomics - that is the behavior of glycans, the sugars that are present in and on the surface of human cells. Genes give instructions to the proteins, but it is the glycans that guide the proteins to their targets and makes sure they do what they are supposed to do.

The multiple sclerosis market is estimated to be worth around $4 billion, notes Dukler.

Glycominds is not limiting its efforts to multiple sclerosis. The company is also looking at developing biomarkers to enable more accurate diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease, which affects about a million people in the US alone. Glycominds is also looking further afield. "The GlyoChip platform has the ability to identify many other biomarkers," says Dukler. "Inflammatory and autoimmune diseases [like multiple sclerosis] are the initial focus of the company, but it is not limited to that. Glycans play a critical role in many indications."

Read more

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Time Line- Development of Glycoscience and Glyconutritionals

1880s - Characterization of monosaccharides by Emil Fischer.
1952 - Fresh, not aged, Aloe gel heals radiation burns on rabbits (Clarence C. Lushbaugh, Cancer 1953 vol. 6).
1970 - 500 glycobiology papers published.
1976 - Research paper identifies the 8 sugars found in biological glycoproteins and glycolipids.
1980 - 1500 glycobiology papers published.
1988- Dr. John Axford publishes his "Glucose only theory"
in British Journal (glucose is not the only needed sugar)
1990 - 4000 glycobiology papers published.
1990 - Journal of Glycobiology started by Oxford University.
1990 - "Capitalizing on Carbohydrates" by John Hodgson in BioTechnology Vol 8 Feb. 1990 109 discussing cell surfaces containing carbohydrates involved in intercellular communication and essential for immune function.
1992 - Active component in Aloe gel is stabilized.
1994 - A Research and Development Company is established as a glyconutritional company.
1995 - Nature: cell surface sugars necessary for recognition and immune function.
1996 - Harper's Biochemistry, Murray et al.: chapter on glycoproteins focuses on the 8 necessary sugars used in glycoproteins and glycolipids for cellular communication.
1996 - Patent application is filed for composition and use of a glyconutritional supplement.
1996 - Glyconutritional Company begins marketing glyconutritional supplement.
1998 - Acta Anatomica: special March issue on glycoscience; emphasizes that information content of biological sugar combinations exceeds that of the DNA code.
1998 - South Africa issues world's first patent for a glyconutritional blend
1998 - Healthy humans given radiologically labeled galactose, mannose and glucose incorporate all three directly into glycoproteins, proving that the body uses the different sugars as nutrients directly from the diet, instead of manufacturing them all from glucose alone.
2000 - 8000 glycobiology papers published.
2000 - Launch in March of Health and Nutrition Glycoscience website.
2000 - Newton Graphic Science Magazine: the science of cellular messaging.
2001 - Science: March 23 issue features "Carbohydrates and Glycobiology"; reviews structural and functional uses of 8 critical sugars in cellular physiology.
2001 - Physicians Desk Reference (PDR ) for Non-Prescription Drugs and Dietary Supplements: lists for the first time glyconutrient blend, phytosterol complex, and phytochemical complex.
2001 - Singapore, New Zealand, and Australia issue patents glyconutritional blend
2001 - NIH grants consortium $34 million to study cell-cell communication interactions.
2002 - Australian Journal of Chemistry 55(2): Carbohydrates Special Issue.
2002 - The Scientist 16:9 April 29 "Glycobiology Goes to the Ball."
2002 - Yahoo lists 15,000 entries for the glyconutrient "mannose."
2002 - France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom issue patents for a glyconutritional formula
2002 - Scientific American: July "Sweet Medicine: Building Better Drugs from Sugars."
2002 - New Scientist Archive: October story quotes JHU biochemist emphasizing glycobiology as the future of immunology, neurology, developmental biology, and disease research.
2002 - CAM: Volume 2, Issue 5 - December 2002 "Arthritis - Using the New Glyconutritionals."
2003 - Yahoo lists 63,000 entries for the glyconutrient "mannose."
2003 - Mexico and Hong Kong issue patents for a glyconutritional formula.
2003 - Advanced Glyconutrient-Antioxidant formulation is developed.
2004- Taiwan and Philippines issue patents for a glyconutritional formula.
2005- USA issues patent for glyconutritional formula

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Health Sciences Institute Recognizes Glyconutrients

They've been speculated as being the 'nutritional health discovery of our time.' Glyconutrients are going to be big news world-wide, as they are now getting recognized as vital nutritional components as per the Health Sciences Institute article below.

Notice that this article from Health Sciences Institute says
that if you eat a diet rich in unprocessed fruits and vegetables
you can supply several necessary glyconutriets. This is true;
however the first nutrients to denature when foods are harvested
are the saccharides. Produce at the grocery store while
unprocessed has lost its saccharides before you buy it.

Health Sciences Institute e-Alert

October 14, 2004

Dear Reader,

Q: When is sugar a good thing?
A: When it's a glyconutrient.

On the HSI Forum, a member who identifies himself as "b5" asks:
"Please explain what glyconutrients are and why I would need

The short answer to b5's question is simple: Glyconutrients are
natural sugar compounds, essential for maintaining good health.
The longer answer reveals a fascinating field of nutrition that
the MIT Technology Review called one of the ten emerging
technologies that will change the world.


Research over the past decade has demonstrated the importance of
essential fatty acids and essential proteins (amino acids). Now
scientists and nutritionists are just beginning to understand
that there are essential sugars as well. Eight essential sugar
compounds function individually as building blocks to assemble a
nearly infinite variety of complex molecules known as glycans or
sugar chains.

In an article in the February 2004 HSI Members Alert,
contributing writer Jennifer Arnold noted that there are two key
ways that glyconutrients impact our health:

1) "These sugars can prevent viruses and bacteria from adhering
to cells by taking up all their receptor sites. If the virus or
bacteria can't bind to a cell, they can't make you sick; it's as
simple as that. Turns out other sugar chains can work in similar
ways to bind up all sorts of viruses and bacteria in other parts
of the body."

2) "There's another more complex role that these sugar chains
play in the body. Glycans form a sugar coat around every single
cell in the body, as well as filling up the spaces in between
cells. They act as a sort of information super highway for the
body, regulating communication both within the cell and between
that cell and other cells."

Sugar chains play a vital role in nearly every physiological
process, including immune system response, tissue regeneration
and cell replication. One of the most important functions of
glycans is the facilitation of brain functions. For instance,
serotonin and other neurotransmitters require glycan receptors
in order to bind to the surface of nerve cells. Memory, stress
response and other critical brain functions may become
debilitated without the adequate assistance of glyconutrient
sugar chains.


If you eat a diet rich in unprocessed fruits and vegetables,
you're supplying your body with many glyconutrients. But just
because they're sugars doesn't mean they taste sweet. For
instance: Fucose, xylose and mannose are three of the eight
essential sugar compounds. Mushrooms and seeds contain fucose;
rye, barley and yeast contain xylose; and mannose can be found
in broccoli, cabbage and seeds.

Problems arise when any of the foods mentioned above are highly
processed. For instance, grapes and onions deliver glucose, one
of the eight glyconutrients. But when glucose is processed into
table sugar, nutrients and fiber are completely stripped away,
transforming it from good nutrition into something that can
compromise your health.

So the absence of unprocessed glyconutrients in the average diet
is a concern. As HSI Medical Advisor, Martin Milner, N.D.,
stated in the February Members Alert, "We are finding
glyconutrient deficiencies associated with a large range of


Of the eight basic glyconutrients, most diets only deliver
sufficient amounts of two: glucose and galactose (a milk sugar).
Trace amounts of the other six are picked up here and there, but
modern agricultural methods, food processing and chemical
contamination have all but erased them from our food supply.

In recent years, research has shown that supplementary
glyconutrients may improve cellular communication, with a
positive impact on a wide range of conditions; from skin aging
and bacterial infection to debilitating illnesses like muscular
dystrophy, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's

In his private practice, Dr. Milner has begun using a
glyconutritional supplement that provides all eight essential
sugar compounds. The supplement is called Ambrotose, and it's
specifically designed for immune system support.

In the same way that daily multi-vitamin use has reached
mainstream acceptance, proponents of glyconutrition believe that
someday even conventional medicine will recognize the benefits
of a daily "multi-glycan" to prevent many of the communication
errors between cells that lead to depleted immune defenses,
allergic reactions, and chronic diseases.
To Your Good Health,

Jenny Thompson
Health Sciences Institute


Thursday, October 14, 2004

FDA Approves Omega Fish Oils Health Claims

As per Paul Zane Pilzer, world renowned economist, a 'Wellness Revolution' is occurring that will dramatically change world health as well as global economy. This 'Revolution' will occur within the next decade with cutting edge technologies, discoveries, and scientific validation on natural effective health alternatives. Of course this will not happen overnight, as there are the political 'tyrants,' with invested interests that control which health claims are allowed.

Proof of the 'Emerging Wellness Revolution' is the FDA's recent announcement that will allow health claims on fish oils- omega fatty acids.

New Health Claim Headed to Grocery Stores Soon

In its decision, the FDA has approved the following language for qualified health claims that may appear on the label or in advertisements for foods or supplements containing EPA or DHA:

"Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. One serving of [name of food] provides [x] grams of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids. [See nutrition information for total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol content.]"

About omega fatty acids:
These fatty acids found in cold water fish like salmon; are one reason the fish do not freeze up in such arctic temperatures. A few perks of adding the fish oils to the diet are- they enhance endocrine function (hormone regulation), enhance metabolism, and reduce the risk of heart disease. There are more benefits. I recommend you do the research...

Below is the announcement made by The Wall Street Journal:

September 9, 2004

FDA Will Allow Health Claims On Fish – Fat Acids


WASHINGTON – The Food and Drug Administration will allow fish and other foods containing omega-3 fatty acids – a rising star in the nutrition world found mostly in cold-water fish such as salmon – to carry labels saying the products reduce the risk of heart disease.

The FDA’s green light creates a marketing opportunity for fish as well as for health foods fortified with the fatty acids.

The agency’s decision marks only the second time that the FDA, which is reluctant to back health claims without a consensus in the scientific community, has approved a “qualified” health claim for a food. Such a claim is one for which the data are supportive but not conclusive.

Companies selling the products with omega-3 fatty acids will be permitted to display the following claim on packages: “Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.” Manufacturers will be required to tell consumers how many grams of eiscosapentaenoic acid, or EPA, and docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, the foods contain.

Manufacturers are eager to market products containing the fatty acids. Martek Biosciences Corp., a Columbia, Md.-based manufacturer of one of the omega-3 fatty acids for the nutritional supplement industry, petitioned the FDA to approve the health claim. Other companies such as global food giant Kraft Foods Inc., also urged the FDA action.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

New Concept- Hospitals Using Nutrition for Wellness?

Wouldn't it be awesome if a hospital had to actually use proper nutrition? Remember when the Results Project rolled out the Lorrie Saunders, Administrative Notice to doctors regarding "Drug-Induced, Nutrient-Depletions" and their side-effects? Well it looks as if their first 'Administrative Notice' just might have saved the life of Toni's 65 year old dad Bill.

Bill is 65, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, eats right and exercises everyday and rides his bike 10 miles for fun. Bill gets a pain in his chest and goes to the hospital. Bill walked in the door under his own power. They hook Bill up to an IV and proceed to pump 16 drugs into his system. Bill gets delusional and starts to hallucinate. Then he passes out and they send him to the Intensive Care Unit. The family is called and told Bill is going to die! Toni calls the Results Project who puts in an order to Lorrie Saunders at Optimal Health Associates for an Administrative Notice to be sent to the hospital. Toni is put on the phone with one of the doctors at PROCARE4U who explains nutrition to Bill's doctor, who isn't really moved by the call. Then the notice hits the ICU room and then things start to happen really fast!

What the Administrative Notice does is document all 16 drugs and the over 40 nutrient depletions caused by the medications and their side-effects which include death. (Betcha didn't know that!) This puts the doctor and the hospital on notice that they are now legally responsible for the nutrient depletions and in the case of death could end up in court for wrongful death. The doctors get the notice, reduce the drugs by half and put Glyconutrients in his feeding tube. Next day Bill is out of ICU and doing fine and should be home within a week.

If you have someone who is being forced into taking drugs or is in a hospital and can't get nutrition due to conventional care, go to this website and find out what you can do to stop it. This is just another service of The Results Project.


About the program

Courtesy Notifications program was developed to provide essential patient advocacy support for our members, by informing your family doctors of possible medical misadventures, mishaps, nutrient deficiencies, or other unintended side-effects that can be caused from prescription drugs, treatments, or therapies your family doctor maybe currently using in your treatment plan. This support program is designed to enhance your sacred doctor-patient relationship and help your family doctor understand the latest scientific studies, in the exploding research areas of wellness (optimal health) care: i.e., glycobiology, orthomolecular medicine, nutrition research, etc.

This program will provide the essential scientific reference information your family doctor needs, in order to assist you in developing the plan of care to create or maintain your optimal health.

The Administrative Notice program was developed as the final part of this Patient Power program series. This program works in concert with the Courtesy Notification and Telephone Consultation programs.

In today's fast paced modern world, it is increasingly important to help your family doctor keep up on the vast amounts of new scientific advancements. This program will provide the essential scientific reference information your family doctor needs, in order to assist you in developing the plan of care to create or maintain your optimal health.

The Administrative Notice program was developed as the final part of this Patient Power program series. This program works in concert with the Courtesy Notification and Telephone Consultation programs.

The Health ReNewal Institute's Administrative Notice program is an important part of ensuring that your doctor will seriously consider your nutritional needs, along with your prescription drug or over-the-counter medication therapy.

This service evaluates your current treatment program of prescription drugs or over-the-counter medications for known nutritional deficiencies or biochemical imbalances that these medications usage may cause.

Then a package of information, from the doctor in your Telephone Consultation, is sent to your family doctor, advising him or her of:

  1. your concerns,
  2. your symptoms,
  3. possible medical misadventures, mishaps, nutrient deficiencies, or other unintended side-effects that can be caused from prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, or therapy regimens in your family doctor's current recommended treatment plan,
  4. your lab results,
  5. your Telephone Consultation doctor's recommendations,
  6. laboratories known to provide the types of medical tests required to monitor your ongoing care,
  7. CME educational courses on medical nutrition therapy practices
  8. and a synopsis of research studies that have proven a relationship between various medications and nutrients.

Here's the homepage for more information; PROCARE4U

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

The pharmaceutical giants are getting in on the action! Below is a pharmaceutical company that has a presentation explaining how carbohydrate structures are very complex in comparison to protein and amino acid structures. This proves a valid point that carbohydrates have thousands of configurable structures for cellular communication. Today the pharmaceutical industry is working on developing drugs based on the latest glycomics technology. The Company below states it is "Advancing Drugs Through Glycoscience." It has been speculated that science is ten years ahead of medicine. Glyconutritional products are literally ahead of the game!

Check out this link and click on "Carbohydrate Complexity." PRO-Pharmaceuticals,inc. ( ABOUT )

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Have you seen The Meatrix? It's a cool spoof of 'the Matrix' which reveals the disturbing reality of corporate agriculture, in which animal welfare, the environment and food safety can be sacrificed in the name of company profits.

"The Meatrix is the lie we tell ourselves about where our food comes from."

The flash animation has been out for about three months now. I think we all need to know what is really going on. Don't you? So spread the word about this flash animation.