Thursday, August 03, 2006

Recovered Coach Plans Payback Tourney

Three days after he woke up and had his first appreciation of what had gone wrong and how he was being kept alive, Harry Muir began planning to pay back the people and organizations helping him

On May 10 last year, Muir was throwing batting practice at Labatt Park, preparing to take the Majors into the 2005 season as their field manager. The next day, he woke up desperately ill. By evening, he was in hospital in a coma and for the next 18 days was in a fight for his life.

The former Toronto Blue Jays farm hand had contracted streptococcus toxic shock syndrome. All his organs began to shut down. He was on life support and his heart stopped pumping blood to his extremities. It was feared he would be losing a foot, if not a leg.

Get the full story!

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