Saturday, July 10, 2010

ISKA- First Time in 25 Years!

For the first time in the 25-year history of the International Sport Karate Association (ISKA), the board of directors has certified a global brand as its official health and wellness supplement provider – Mannatech, Incorporated.

Several of the nutritional science leader’s products will be the only health supplements on the market to receive an ‘ISKA Certified for Elite Athletes’ seal featured on its packaging.

Mannatech is the First to Receive an ISKA Certification!

“This certification program was developed by ISKA to recognize high-quality dietary supplements. Mannatech was handpicked by ISKA as the only supplement provider for this prestigious program. This alliance combines the high standards that ISKA demands of its athletes with those that Mannatech demands of its products.”

“Mannatech’s leadership in the health and wellness industry is second to none,” said ISKA President Cory Schafer. “As the governing body for martial arts and our 28,000 studio owners across the country, it is our chief responsibility to surround owners and their students with only the best in health and wellness. We know Mannatech offers the technology for optimum health and wellness we require and are proud of this partnership.”

Many of Mannatech’s products are based on Real Food Technology ® solutions, which provide consumers with products that contain standardized levels of natural and plant-sourced nutrients. Food-sourced ingredients are chosen from those scientifically proven to most benefit the human body.

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